Friday, February 27, 2009

Update on George and T

So we saw George Clooney up close and personal. He smiled and said hello and walked into the covered area. He has so much yummy hot goodness mmmmmmm I was about 2-3 feet from him seriously!! Oh dear it made for a good day.

Then I finished work and went to T's. At first I gave him his things, I talked about the non-relationship thing we had to talk about and I went to get my things. I wasn't going to talk the rest he didn't seem receptive... he looked like a mess too btw. A large portion of my stuff is located in his bathroom (curling iron... toiletries you get it), his brother (they are roommates) was in there showering. Darn it stuck or leave it, I didn't want to leave some of my toiletries my favorite lotin and soap was in there (I know stupid!).

Soooo I brought it up.. I asked why. We talked quite a bit and then we decided he was being extremely stupid (not in those words) I gave him hell too and he feels ashamed for the way things went down and how much he hurt me. We also decided that maybe we can work it out and made a plan and some words of honesty. It was the first time I heard him say all my helping him out was overwhelming for him (well it was for me too but I was trying to be a good girlfriend) so we decided to 'cool off' for a bit, he will get better at vocalizing things and I will listen to his needs and vice versa, we will see each other less but he realizes my need for plans and he will respect that and make them with me instead of the on a whim thing. There is a lot more but that's all between us anyway... maybe I've said too much already but it is here now.

So that is it for now. I'll have to keep you updated on the progress.

Next week I leave for British Columbia I'll be gone from the 4th-12th (my plane lands at 11:59 pm on the 11th so I can hardly say I'll be back then lol). I may have some time to pop in here or I may not but if I don't that is where I am with my dear sweet friend.


Anonymous said...

Take care of yourself!! Clearly, he's giving all the signs that he's not ready. He cares about you, yes, but wow, he's having a hard time. (And I understand about wanting those toiletries!)

Going on a trip sounds like the BEST laid plan. Have a great time! And be sure to get some "me time," okay?

Kari said...

Taking care of myself and my daughter is my number one priority.

I let the taking care of me slip for a bit but I'm not going to do it again.

I'm visiting a friend who lost her husband recently but we have a couple of things planned for "me time" for the both of us, one of those things is a spa trip. Plus Brithish Columbia is GORGEOUS, her back porch is my sanctuary... view of mountains all around. I can't wait! Its my my big spend before the finances lock down lol

jeanie said...

lol - I had to go and reread when I couldn't understand why your toiletries were in George's bathroom!!

It is hard to balance the line of being and doing right for other people - and when you are feeling you are not being yourself it is sometimes too hard.

It does sound like he is going through stuff at the moment and can't be "the boyfriend" at the same time.

A pity, but you do deserve love. If it can't come from another, then put the effort of love into yourself and your daughter - it is worth it.

Anonymous said...

Me again! I know that you're on a trip... I simply wanted to thank you for your thoughtful, open comment at Dad's House. I really appreciated this. And I hope you're having a ball. xoxo